Praying the Alphabet – Part 3

My restful approach to healing while writing was abruptly halted due to carelessness. Jane caught me walking without a limp. We’ll go from H to Z today. 

Hope gets the nod for H. An old hymn, “The Solid Rock,” says it well. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” 

Imagination is a blessing easily overlooked. Justice, though often flawed, will one day be received by all. Kindness is essential and Love providential. 1 John 4:16 says, “God is love.” That defining quality sets our Creator apart from gods made in man’s image.

Music warrants inclusion, with lessons of faith expressed beautifully through lyrics and melodies. N brings New to mind – Lamentations 3:22-23 says his mercies are new every morning. If they weren’t, we’d all be in trouble.

Opportunity is our O word. Our nation, despite massive problems, is still a land of immense opportunity. Scores of people would love to make America their home. The list of those trying to leave is short.

Patience has its own prayer. “God give me patience and give it to me right now!” A challenge of the Christian faith is being patient for long-term rewards. Temporary pleasures compete with eternal treasures.

Q presented a quandary, but I settled on Quiet. I’m increasingly appreciative of the blessing of clear sounds as my hearing becomes less reliable. But I’m also thankful for quiet times, for porch swings on a sunny winter day or walks by a stream which tenderly polishes ancient rocks.

Radicals need to be in our prayers, some for a change of heart and others to be emboldened. Paul was a radical as was Peter, a quality inspired by the one they served. The world has not seen anyone as radical as Jesus, a King who chose a cross over a crown. 

Songs might be repetitive since Music has been mentioned, but there aren’t any rules for this exercise. Songs can lift our spirits or lead toward silent introspection. They can motivate us to action or soothe our souls, cause us to shed a tear or make us laugh out loud.              

Tenacity isn’t often requested in prayers but probably should be. Jesus made it clear in Revelations 3:15 how he feels about lukewarm faith. Perhaps we need to ask for tenacity to be faithful when it’s not easy, to witness when it’s uncomfortable, to take a stand when it’s unpopular. Tenacity, however, is of little value unless paired with love. 

Ukraine needs prayers and much more due to Russia’s brutal invasion. After the country didn’t crumble as expected, President Putin began bombing utilities and infrastructure, even hospitals and maternity wards, trying to make life intolerable. 

In addition to prayers, there are tangible ways to assist. Samaritan’s Purse is an organization I have confidence in. Donations can be sent to P. O. Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607 and designated for Ukraine Response.    

Variety is said to be the spice of life. God may have had that in mind when he created seasons, colors, sounds, and such. He even gave us unique fingerprints, something far beyond my comprehension.    

Wisdom seems a good use of W, a letter I overlooked until the charming Vice President of Proof noticed. I keep asking God for more wisdom. He keeps hinting I should make better use of what I already have.  

Xylophone players have never been mentioned in my prayers. I hope a xylophonist somewhere will read this and smile. Please don’t run with the sticks. Searching for an X word reminded me there are countless areas I neglect. Blessings, needs, and praises all get shortchanged.          

Youth need our prayers. My father’s generation left the world better than they found it, but I’m not sure my group can make that claim. Regardless of your view, prayers for divine guidance for young people are in order. Youth I define as no more than 49. 

Zion will complete my haphazard attempt at praying the alphabet. Whether the whole world seems a hopeless mess or it’s just our part that keeps us from rest, I am reminded by Isaac Watts this is only my temporary home. But as I’m “Marching to Zion” sometimes I’m limping.

Thank goodness there’s a remedy for spiritual thorns. The Great Physician offers the way with no copay for Jesus paid it all. On that note this prayer will end. You’re welcome to join me as we say, “Amen.”   

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8 Responses to Praying the Alphabet – Part 3

  1. vernon twitty says:

    Amen, Brother, preach on!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wanda Hawke says:

    Neil, l know l haven’t commented in awhile but don’t think for a minute that l did not enjoy every message that you have shared. I have to play catch up from time to time and always highlight with a ⭐️. I seem to always read them at the most appropriate time when l need a little up lifting. You are certainly an inspiration to many and let me say l am one them. To God be the glory. Can we say AMEN!!?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. George says:

    These are all very good. You did a good job of praying the alphabet.


  4. Curtis Greer says:

    We loved it Neil.


  5. Fran says:

    I’ve enjoyed this series and you’ve inspired to come up with my own alphabet prayer list!


  6. Ellen Hunsucker says:

    Very clever and I love the poetry at the end!


  7. smittydennard says:

    Thanks Neil, this article gave me some new insights for praying!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Cathy Green says:

    Thank you praying the alphabet. It gave me a different way to think about praying


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