Headline Wishes 2024

I don’t expect to see these headline wishes fulfilled, and maybe folks are right who hope some never will. I’m just “speaking my piece” as people used to say, but trying to do so in a friendly way. Craddock Durham, a former teacher of our men’s Sunday School class, often reminded us we can disagree without being disagreeable. 

BIDEN NOT RUNNING – He’s had too many birthdays to be entrusted with one of the most important and demanding jobs on the planet. But if I had to name a single fiasco that demonstrates poor leadership, I’d choose our southern border crisis. Balancing compassion for unfortunate migrants with what’s best for our country is not an easy task, but President Biden has excelled at ineptness.

TRUMP LEAVES POLITICS – If the polls are accurate, a majority of Republicans have a positive view of Donald Trump. I’m not on that list. There’s room for debate on multiple issues, but a single decision is one of several reasons I hope he’ll exit the arena. On January 6, 2021, he watched the Capitol being stormed by supporters he had helped inspire to action. For over three hours he refused to intervene, even with family members and close advisors begging him to address the mob. That’s inexcusable and unpresidential.

THIRD-PARTY OPTIONS NOW VIABLE – Some countries allow voters to make first and second choices in their national elections. That system could provide a boost to third-party and independent candidates. Supporters could vote for them without running the risk of helping throw an election to their least-favorite contender. Our two-party system is being manipulated by extremists on both sides of the aisle. It’s time to enhance the competition.

KEMP ELECTED PRESIDENT – Brian Kemp has done an outstanding job leading Georgia during two terms as Governor. I believe he would excel in leading our country. Presidential candidates with conservative values, integrity, common sense, tenacity, and compassion are scarce. He’s not seeking our nation’s highest office, but a third-party coalition might do well to draft him. It would be nice to be able to vote enthusiastically instead of having two pitiful choices.         

PUTIN RESIGNS AS DEMOCRACY SWEEPS RUSSIA – Putin’s military and hired mercenaries invaded a peaceful neighbor, Ukraine, without cause. The Russian Butcher has ruthlessly killed and maimed scores of innocent people, displaced millions, and destroyed untold property. A revolt is unlikely since Putin doesn’t tolerate criticism, but you never know. Lech Walesa led a successful pro-democracy movement in Communist Poland in 1989. It could happen again.

NORTH KOREA CEDES CONTROL TO THE SOUTH – Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s tempestuous dictator, is not prone toward making sensible decisions. But not too many years ago, the prospects of a united Germany under democratic rule seemed far-fetched. Communist East Germany joined their prosperous brethren in the West and both are much better off.       

IRAN’S LEADER EXPRESSES LOVE FOR ALL – This is among the least likely of headlines, but miracles can happen. The Apostle Paul’s Damascus Road experience is a good example. Acts 9:1-9 tells the story of Paul’s transition from persecuting Christians to joining them. His conversion account is proof that all things are possible with God.         

ISRAEL AND GAZA AT PEACE – Terrorists don’t plan to go away and everyone knows Israel doesn’t play. My understanding is that present day animosities can be traced back to early Bible times. That’s long enough to have reached a peaceful state, but there’s no way to negotiate hate. An Old Testament feud has a New Testament answer, but Christlike love can’t be mandated. It has to be voluntary.   

CIVILITY DOMINATES POLITICAL LANDSCAPE – Once upon a time people with differing political views debated important matters with civility. That’s become a rarity. Angry rhetoric leads to temporary fixes instead of lasting solutions. I’m old enough I’ll probably get by okay, but our nation is on a downward spiral that our children and grandchildren will be left to contend with. We shouldn’t keep kicking the can down the road.               

I don’t expect these headline wishes to be fulfilled, and maybe folks are right who hope some never will. My opinions are admittedly subject to error. So if speaking my piece has fractured your peace, I hope you’ll join me in a reasonable resolution. Let’s disagree without being disagreeable.    

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6 Responses to Headline Wishes 2024

  1. j aaron brown says:



  2. Cynthia Couch says:

    I agree with you wholeheartedly on our political scene. Chaos follows Trump and his narcissism is a turn off for me. God gave us Abraham, Moses, Noah, Esther, David, Daniel, Paul and many others for ‘such a time as this’. He will do the same when the time comes…down the road.


  3. Fran says:

    I agree with you down the line. Glad you decided to ‘speak your piece.’ If more people would do that, things might change for the better.


  4. Pete Zabaski says:

    God bless you Neal. I couldn’t agree with you more. Maybe we’re related. P.S. miss seeing you and your family (or fam for new age speak) at the lake. P&L


  5. james dyer says:

    Totally agree. Particularly , the comments about civility in America. We have never been so divided and had so much hate speech. We could all use a little more Jesus.


  6. Don Giles says:

    Neil, I will join you on your soap box. There is a principle in the world of human behavior called the Law of the Pendulum. It basically says in culture, politics, etc. trends swing back and forth between extremes. Most people fall somewhere in the middle but in our country the extremes are moving farther apart. As the pendulum swings (Roger Miller would be proud of me) to the extremes the foundations of our Republic are put under heavy strain. This reminds of Benjamin Franklin’s response to Elizabeth Willing Powell’s question, “Well Doctor, what have we got a Republic or Monarchy?” Dr. Franklin’s reply “A republic if you can keep it.” My prayer is we can keep it.


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